Eric got the wine bug soon after graduating from Boston College in 2017. Go Eagles! With his diploma in hand and ready to change the world, he gained a position working for a non-profit political action committee in Boston. He lasted all of four days before quitting to pursue a career in wine. So much for that Political Science degree!

We asked, so why wine, Eric?. “A lot of people my age weren’t really talking about wine, nor were they really interested in it. I saw this as a unique opportunity to get into something different, so I decided to learn as much about wine during the summer of 2017 and try and get any job I could.” He started out in a small retail job outside of Boston stocking shelves and continued to learn wine on the fly. Today, after many years of ongoing wine education, he is WSET Level 4 Diploma certified and has developed significant proficiency in Italian wine. He will be running the show with Stacey in Massachusetts.

When he’s not working the street of Boston you will find him relaxing at the beach on the Cape. Eric is an avid runner and loves to escape with a long run whenever he is able. In the cooler months, he is a devout disciple of the Church of Football - college football every Saturday and the Patriots every Sunday, praise be.

“There is nothing quite like Napa Valley, it’s a beautiful viticulture area and one that I instantly fell in love with the first time I visited.” says the guy who has yet to visit the Mediterranean…stay tuned, he will be an Italian proselyte soon enough!  Viva l'italia!

** We are pleased to report that Eric harbors the Italian bug. After a fast expedition across the north, he’s now ‘in the know.’

email Eric